Unit 5: In-class Analysis

Miniproject 5 Info

  • Background: Bike sharing is popular in urban areas where one can rent a bike in one place and return it in another. Registered customers can rent regularly while casual (one-time) customers are also allowed to rent. However, the frequency of rentals (and hence the revenue of the company) depends on various factors.

  • Perform an analysis of the rental type (casual vs. registered) based on various weather types.

In-class Analysis Rules

  • Due by 11:59pm this evening
  • Do NOT share the password with anyone
    • if we catch you doing this you will be given a 0
  • If you are ever gone for an in-class analysis, you can request the password through stat121-zoom@byu.edu but requests MUST come in BEFORE the deadline.
  • You have 2 attempts to get them all right.


For today, analyze student subscriptions (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) compared to their computer preference (PC vs. Mac) in the student survey data: